This is the true State-of-the-Art!
Amptek has developed a 70 mm² FAST SDD® Detector in a TO-8 package. This is the same package that is used with all Amptek detectors. This makes the 70 mm² a drop in replacement (same package, same pin-out, same voltages). Triple the count rate vs. the 25 mm² SDD with the same performance.
- 70 mm² active area collimated to 50 mm²
- 123 eV FWHM resolution at 5.9 keV
- Count rates > 2,000,000 CPS
- High peak-to-background ratio – 26,000/1
- Preamplifier Output Rise Time <60 ns
- Windows: Be (0.5 mil) 12.5 µm, or C2 (Si3N4)
- Radiation hard
- Detector thickness 500 µm
- TO-8 Package
- Cooling ΔT>85 K
- Multilayer Collimator
- Ultra-fast benchtop and handheld XRF analyzers
- Scanning/mapping of samples in an SEM as part of an EDS system
- On-line process control
- X-Ray Sorting Machines